Thursday, April 28, 2005

Conference: "Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU: Political, Economic and Social Transformation"

Konferans: "Türkiye'nin AB ile Müzakere Süreci: Siyasi, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Dönüşüm"
International Jean Monnet Conference - Uluslararası Jean Monnet Konferansı
28 - 29 April 2005 - Istanbul Ceylan Intercontinental

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Economia Exterior: "Special Issue on Turkey-EU Relations"

Economia Exterior, Primavera 2005, Núm.32,

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

wiiw: "Turkey: Macroeconomic Vulnerability, Competitiveness and the Labour Market"

by Josef Pöschl, Hermine Vidovic, Julia Wörz and Vasily Astrov (
Series: wiiw's Current Analyses and Country Profiles, No. 21, April 2005
116 pages including 42 Tables and 26 Figures
For more information: please click here
Pdf: download

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger et al.: "The Impact of a Customs Union between Turkey and the EU on Turkey's Exports to the EU: A Reassessment of the Paradox"

by Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger, Felicitas, Dierk Herzer, Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso, and Sebastian Vollmer (
Series: DIW's Working Papers Series, No. 483, April 2005, 31 pages
For more information: please click here; PDF: download

Friday, April 01, 2005

FERB: "Business Guide to Turkey"

Prepared by: Froeign Economic Relations Board (FERB)
Hazırlayan: Dış Ekonomik İkişkiler Kurulu (DEİK)
April/Nisan 2005