Monday, January 23, 2012
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Saturday, January 03, 2009
EconPapers: "Research on Turkish Economy"
More than 1615 documents matching "Turkish economy" or "Turkey" among working papers, articles, books, book chapters and software indexed in EconPapers Archive : please click here!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Nas (2008): "Tracing the Economic Transformation of Turkey from the 1920s to EU Accession"

Nas, Tevfik F. (2008):
Leiden & Boston: Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
2. An Overview of the Turkish Economy: 1920–80
3. Stabilization and Restructuring during the 1980s
4. The Financial Crisis of 1994 and the April 5 Austerity Plan
5. Turkish Inflation
6. The Crisis of 2001 and the Program for the Transition to a Strong Economy
7. Economic and Policy Environment before the 2002 General Election
8. Macroeconomic Policies and Outcomes during the Post-2002 Election Period
9. Turkey and the EU
10. Starting the Accession Talks
11. Prospects for Full Membership: A Commentary
Labels: European Union
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Macroeconomic Performances of Turkish Governments
"A Comparison of Macroeconomic Performances of Governments in Turkey, 1987-2007"
by Aykut Kibritçioğlu
In this paper, a macroeconomic performance index (MEP10) which consists of selected ten indicators is proposed to evaluate the relative performance of Turkish governments by using monthly data for the period of December 1987 – April 2007. According to the multi-staged evaluation process applied in the study, the governments are grouped in three classes:
(1) Relatively successful governments: 46. government (December 1987 – November 1989), 48. government (June 1991 – November 1991), 54. government (June 1996 – June 1997), and 59. government (March 2002 – April 2007),
(2) Relatively unsuccessful governments: 47. government (November 1989 – June 1991), 49. government (November 1991 – June 1993), 55. government (June 1997 – January 1999) and 53. government (March 1996 – June 1996), and
(3) Most unsuccessful governments: 50.-52. governments (June 1993 – March 1996) and 56.-57. governments (January 1999 – November 2002).The monthly performance index is also used to test some hypotheses regarding the relationship between the length of the governments’ term of office and their macroeconomic performances.
JEL Classification: E65 (Studies of Particular Policy Episodes), O53 (Economywide Country Studies: Asia including Middle East) ve C43
Key Words: Okun’s misery index, macroeconomic performance, macroeconomic stability, governments, political stability, general elections, economic crises, Turkish economy
Language: Turkish
Download: MPRA or Paper
by Aykut Kibritçioğlu
In this paper, a macroeconomic performance index (MEP10) which consists of selected ten indicators is proposed to evaluate the relative performance of Turkish governments by using monthly data for the period of December 1987 – April 2007. According to the multi-staged evaluation process applied in the study, the governments are grouped in three classes:
(1) Relatively successful governments: 46. government (December 1987 – November 1989), 48. government (June 1991 – November 1991), 54. government (June 1996 – June 1997), and 59. government (March 2002 – April 2007),
(2) Relatively unsuccessful governments: 47. government (November 1989 – June 1991), 49. government (November 1991 – June 1993), 55. government (June 1997 – January 1999) and 53. government (March 1996 – June 1996), and
(3) Most unsuccessful governments: 50.-52. governments (June 1993 – March 1996) and 56.-57. governments (January 1999 – November 2002).The monthly performance index is also used to test some hypotheses regarding the relationship between the length of the governments’ term of office and their macroeconomic performances.
JEL Classification: E65 (Studies of Particular Policy Episodes), O53 (Economywide Country Studies: Asia including Middle East) ve C43
Key Words: Okun’s misery index, macroeconomic performance, macroeconomic stability, governments, political stability, general elections, economic crises, Turkish economy
Language: Turkish
Download: MPRA or Paper
Monday, March 06, 2006
World Bank: "Turkey: Country Economic Memorandum, 2006"
The World Bank launched "Turkey: Country Economic Memorandum - Promoting Sustained Growth and Convergence with the European Union". The study aims to contribute to the ongoing process of elaborating a strategic vision on Turkey's policy priorities during EU accession.
To download the full text of the report and/or get more information on it, you may visit:
To download the full text of the report and/or get more information on it, you may visit:
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Forthcoming Book: The Turkish Economy
The Real Economy, Corporate Governance and Reform
Edited by: Sumru G. Altuğ and Alpay Filiztekin
London, UK: Routledge
For more information, please click here!
Edited by: Sumru G. Altuğ and Alpay Filiztekin
London, UK: Routledge
For more information, please click here!
Monday, October 03, 2005
"EU foreign ministers agree on membership talks with Turkey"

Economist: The European Union and Turkey have finally agreed on a negotiating framework that will allow formal talks on Turkish membership of the EU to begin.
EU's Press Relies
Worldbank: "Turkey has today crossed the bridge to Europe. This date will go down as one of the most important days in Turkey's history. The opening of accession negotiations with the EU represents an historic moment for Turkey and the EU. The negotiations will be long and cover many difficult subjects, however the end result will bring great benefits to Turkey, the EU and the wider world. The World Bank applauds the decision of the EU Council of Ministers to approve the Framework Agreement and looks forward to supporting Turkey and the EU during the accession process."
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Report: "Turkish Agriculture in the 21. Century with Special Reference to Developments within the WTO and EU"
Çakmak, E. and H. Akder (2005): "Çakmak & Akder: "DTÖ ve AB'deki Gelişmeler Işığında 21. Yüzyılda Türkiye Tarımı". İstanbul: TÜSİAD.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Conference: "Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession"
jointly organized by CBRT, Bilkent University & ZEI Bonn
Ankara, May 6-7, 2005
Ankara, May 6-7, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
EC: "EU's Bilateral Trade Relations with Turkey"
The EU and Turkey are linked by a Customs Union agreement, which came in force on 31 December 1995, pursuant to the 1963 EU-Turkey Association Agreement, which aims at promoting trade and economic relations. The Customs Union is ambitious but does not cover essential economic areas, such as agriculture, to which bilateral trade concessions apply, services or public procurement. Turkey has been a candidate country since 1999. For more information:
EC: "EU's Enlargement & Relations with Turkey"
Country profile, key documents, reportsa, statistics, links, etc.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Conference: "Turkey's Accession Negotiations with the EU: Political, Economic and Social Transformation"
Konferans: "Türkiye'nin AB ile Müzakere Süreci: Siyasi, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Dönüşüm"
International Jean Monnet Conference - Uluslararası Jean Monnet Konferansı
28 - 29 April 2005 - Istanbul Ceylan Intercontinental
International Jean Monnet Conference - Uluslararası Jean Monnet Konferansı
28 - 29 April 2005 - Istanbul Ceylan Intercontinental
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Economia Exterior: "Special Issue on Turkey-EU Relations"

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
wiiw: "Turkey: Macroeconomic Vulnerability, Competitiveness and the Labour Market"
by Josef Pöschl, Hermine Vidovic, Julia Wörz and Vasily Astrov (
Series: wiiw's Current Analyses and Country Profiles, No. 21, April 2005
116 pages including 42 Tables and 26 Figures
For more information: please click here
Pdf: download
Series: wiiw's Current Analyses and Country Profiles, No. 21, April 2005
116 pages including 42 Tables and 26 Figures
For more information: please click here
Pdf: download
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger et al.: "The Impact of a Customs Union between Turkey and the EU on Turkey's Exports to the EU: A Reassessment of the Paradox"
by Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger, Felicitas, Dierk Herzer, Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso, and Sebastian Vollmer (
Series: DIW's Working Papers Series, No. 483, April 2005, 31 pages
For more information: please click here; PDF: download
Series: DIW's Working Papers Series, No. 483, April 2005, 31 pages
For more information: please click here; PDF: download
Friday, April 01, 2005
FERB: "Business Guide to Turkey"
Prepared by: Froeign Economic Relations Board (FERB)
Hazırlayan: Dış Ekonomik İkişkiler Kurulu (DEİK)
April/Nisan 2005
Hazırlayan: Dış Ekonomik İkişkiler Kurulu (DEİK)
April/Nisan 2005
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Dr. Faruk Selçuk has passed away... - Dr. Faruk Selçuk'un vefatı...
Dr. Faruk Selçuk, one of the most productive, young Turkish economists, has passed away on the 22nd of February 2005. (Değerli iktisatçı, Bilkent Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi dostumuz Dr. Faruk Selçuk'u 22 Şubat 2005 günü kaybettik.)
Taziye Defteri:
Web Sayfası:
Faruk's Downloadable Papers in EconPapers:
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Lejour & de Mooij: "Turkish Delight: Does Turkey's Accession to the EU Bring Economic Benefits?"
by Arjan M. Lejour and Ruud A. de Mooij
Kyklos, 58(1): 87-, February 2005
PDF: (Access to full text is restricted to subscribers.)
Abstract: We explore the economic implications of the possible Turkish accession to the European Union. We focus on three main changes associated with Turkish membership: (i) accession to the internal European Market; (ii) institutional reforms in Turkey triggered by EU-membership; and (iii) migration in response to the free movement of workers. Overall, the macroeconomic implications for EU countries are small but positive. European exports increase by around 20%. Turkey experiences larger economic gains than the EU: consumption per capita is estimated to rise by about 4% as a result of accession to the internal market and free movement of labour. If Turkey would succeed in reforming its domestic institutions in response to EU-membership, consumption per capita in Turkey could raise by an additional 9%. These benefits would spill over to the EU.
Kyklos, 58(1): 87-, February 2005
PDF: (Access to full text is restricted to subscribers.)
Abstract: We explore the economic implications of the possible Turkish accession to the European Union. We focus on three main changes associated with Turkish membership: (i) accession to the internal European Market; (ii) institutional reforms in Turkey triggered by EU-membership; and (iii) migration in response to the free movement of workers. Overall, the macroeconomic implications for EU countries are small but positive. European exports increase by around 20%. Turkey experiences larger economic gains than the EU: consumption per capita is estimated to rise by about 4% as a result of accession to the internal market and free movement of labour. If Turkey would succeed in reforming its domestic institutions in response to EU-membership, consumption per capita in Turkey could raise by an additional 9%. These benefits would spill over to the EU.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
SPO: "The Likely Effects of Turkey's Membership upon the EU"
DPT: "Türkiye'nin Üyeliğinin AB'ye Muhtemel Etkileri"
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Togan: "Turkey: Toward EU Accession"
by Sübidey Togan
The World Economy, 2004, 27(7): 1013-1045.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study selected aspects of Turkish accession to the EU. Joining the EU will require that Turkey attains macroeconomic stability, adopts the Common Agricultural Policy, and liberalizes its services and network industries. Furthermore, joining the EU will require Turkey to adopt and implement the whole body of EU legislation and standards - the acquis communautaire. According to the EU membership criteria, new members must be able to demonstrate the 'ability to take on the obligations of membership including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union'. Thus Turkey will be expected to adopt the euro when it is ready to do so, but not immediately upon accession. Integration will boost allocative efficiency in the Turkish economy which in turn will make the country a better place to invest. Furthermore, Turkey will reap the benefits from monetary integration and from migration of labour to the EU. But the welfare gains will have a price, and the price will be the adjustment costs associated with the adoption of the acquis communautaire. The final section of the paper considers the effects of accession on the EU in terms of migration and budgetary effects. Copyright 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
(Access to full text is restricted to subscribers.)
The World Economy, 2004, 27(7): 1013-1045.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study selected aspects of Turkish accession to the EU. Joining the EU will require that Turkey attains macroeconomic stability, adopts the Common Agricultural Policy, and liberalizes its services and network industries. Furthermore, joining the EU will require Turkey to adopt and implement the whole body of EU legislation and standards - the acquis communautaire. According to the EU membership criteria, new members must be able to demonstrate the 'ability to take on the obligations of membership including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union'. Thus Turkey will be expected to adopt the euro when it is ready to do so, but not immediately upon accession. Integration will boost allocative efficiency in the Turkish economy which in turn will make the country a better place to invest. Furthermore, Turkey will reap the benefits from monetary integration and from migration of labour to the EU. But the welfare gains will have a price, and the price will be the adjustment costs associated with the adoption of the acquis communautaire. The final section of the paper considers the effects of accession on the EU in terms of migration and budgetary effects. Copyright 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
(Access to full text is restricted to subscribers.)
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Erzan et al.: "Growth and Immigration Scenarios for Turkey and the EU"
by Refik Erzan, Umut Kuzubaş and Nilüfer Yıldız
CEPS, EU-Turkey Working Papers
Abstract: In the debate about Turkish EU membership and free movement of labour it is often overlooked that the EU cannot exercise a zero migration policy even if permanent safeguards were used. Even under the currently prevailing strict regime, there is an annual net migration from Turkey to the EU-15 in the order of 35,000 people. Any slowdown or suspension in Turkey?s accession process is likely to lead lower growth and higher unemployment in Turkey. Moreover, the reform process might slow down or be partially reversed. The consequence of such a combination would be drastically higher number of potential migrants. A considerable proportion of them would be finding their way into the EU ? as experience has shown irrespective of legal restriction. It is thus possible that if Turkey loses the membership perspective, the EU may end up having more immigrants than under a free movement of labour regime with a prosperous EU member Turkey. Moreover, the composition of this migration would be less conducive for the EU labour markets - and - for integration in the host societies.
The experiences of Greece, Portugal and Spain indicate that a successful accession period with high growth and effective implementation of the reforms reduces and gradually eliminates the migration pressures. There is no a priori reason why Turkey would not go through a similar experience.
CEPS, EU-Turkey Working Papers
Abstract: In the debate about Turkish EU membership and free movement of labour it is often overlooked that the EU cannot exercise a zero migration policy even if permanent safeguards were used. Even under the currently prevailing strict regime, there is an annual net migration from Turkey to the EU-15 in the order of 35,000 people. Any slowdown or suspension in Turkey?s accession process is likely to lead lower growth and higher unemployment in Turkey. Moreover, the reform process might slow down or be partially reversed. The consequence of such a combination would be drastically higher number of potential migrants. A considerable proportion of them would be finding their way into the EU ? as experience has shown irrespective of legal restriction. It is thus possible that if Turkey loses the membership perspective, the EU may end up having more immigrants than under a free movement of labour regime with a prosperous EU member Turkey. Moreover, the composition of this migration would be less conducive for the EU labour markets - and - for integration in the host societies.
The experiences of Greece, Portugal and Spain indicate that a successful accession period with high growth and effective implementation of the reforms reduces and gradually eliminates the migration pressures. There is no a priori reason why Turkey would not go through a similar experience.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Steinherr et al.: "The Turkish Banking Sector: Challenges and Outlook in Transition to EU Membership"
by A. Steinherr, A. Tükel and Murat Üçer
CEPS, EU-Turkey Working Papers
Abstract: The paper explores the readiness of the Turkish banking sector for integration into the European Union. We address the issue from four different angles. First, we review the present structure and health of the sector, including the state of the regulatory framework, providing where possible a comparative perspective with the larger EU accession countries. Second, we look at the sector?s financial solidity in 2003, with a view to gauging its readiness to adapt to a more challenging banking environment. Third, we look at the present obstacles to financial deepening and identify the most pressing issues that seem to hinder the sector?s growth. Fourth, we explore issues of productivity and efficiency in the sector. In a final section, we ask the question of whether the Turkish banking sector is or will be ready in due time for EU accession and formulate some policy recommendations. We conclude that in 2004 the Turkish banking sector compares well with those of the new members of the EU. The major source of financial instability in the past was macroeconomic instability and government involvement. At present Turkey is closer to achieving macro-stability than ever in the past, and the government is reducing its direct involvement. Major strides have been accomplished after the crisis of 2001 in cleaning up a very nontransparent and politicized banking environment and in upgrading the regulatory structure to EU standards. Clearly, the job is not finished yet, with the challenge of introducing risk-management based on Basle II and of bringing the capital market to EU standards. Further consolidation and mergers with foreign partners will be inevitable. Should EU integration become a concrete vision of the future, macro stability has great chances to become rooted in Turkey and the banking sector will quickly move to EU standards, long before any accession date.
CEPS, EU-Turkey Working Papers
Abstract: The paper explores the readiness of the Turkish banking sector for integration into the European Union. We address the issue from four different angles. First, we review the present structure and health of the sector, including the state of the regulatory framework, providing where possible a comparative perspective with the larger EU accession countries. Second, we look at the sector?s financial solidity in 2003, with a view to gauging its readiness to adapt to a more challenging banking environment. Third, we look at the present obstacles to financial deepening and identify the most pressing issues that seem to hinder the sector?s growth. Fourth, we explore issues of productivity and efficiency in the sector. In a final section, we ask the question of whether the Turkish banking sector is or will be ready in due time for EU accession and formulate some policy recommendations. We conclude that in 2004 the Turkish banking sector compares well with those of the new members of the EU. The major source of financial instability in the past was macroeconomic instability and government involvement. At present Turkey is closer to achieving macro-stability than ever in the past, and the government is reducing its direct involvement. Major strides have been accomplished after the crisis of 2001 in cleaning up a very nontransparent and politicized banking environment and in upgrading the regulatory structure to EU standards. Clearly, the job is not finished yet, with the challenge of introducing risk-management based on Basle II and of bringing the capital market to EU standards. Further consolidation and mergers with foreign partners will be inevitable. Should EU integration become a concrete vision of the future, macro stability has great chances to become rooted in Turkey and the banking sector will quickly move to EU standards, long before any accession date.
Sunday, February 02, 2003
McKinsey: "Turkey: Making the Productivity and Growth Breakthrough"
Turkey's economy is poised to take off. Completing a successful transformation, however, means Turkey needs to confront monopolies and traditionally-run businesses that are slow to modernize. MGI shows how privatization and enforcement of financial laws will boost the economy. (February 2003)
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
Book: "Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey"

Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey
co-edited by Aykut Kibritçioğlu, Libby Rittenberg and Faruk Selçuk
Aldershot, UK, & Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate, October 2002, ISBN: 0-7546-3065-X.
Saturday, January 05, 2002
Development Gateway: "Country Profile TURKEY"
The Development Gateway Foundation is an enabler of development. They help to improve people?s lives in developing countries by building partnerships and information systems that provide access to knowledge for development. They exploit powerful and affordable information and communication technologies (ICT) that were previously unavailable to: increase knowledge sharing; enhance development effectiveness; improve public sector transparency; and build local capacity to empower communities. The DG is an independent not-for-profit organization. It was conceived by World Bank President James Wolfensohn and initially developed in the World Bank. Operations began in July 2001.
Friday, January 04, 2002
International Organizations & Turkish Economy
IMF's Turkey website:
WB's Turkey website:
WTO's Turkey website:
OECD' Turkey website:,3021,en_33873108_33873854_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
WB's Turkey website:
WTO's Turkey website:
OECD' Turkey website:,3021,en_33873108_33873854_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
EconTurk: Downloadable Working Papers Archive is aimed to provide you an extensive downloadable working papers, articles and research papers on Turkish economy. You can also search our thesis database and find recent PhD theses studied the Turkish economy.
CBRT: "Electronic Data Delivery System"
EDDS is a dynamic and interactive data dissemination system providing access via internet to the statistical data produced and/or compiled by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. To access data click on links below. For conversion into different frequencies and detailed usage click on "GENERAL STATISTICS".